Some people said, a picture represents a thousand meanings... That's why I attach just a few pictures from the recent visit at Tok Bali. Maybe you can define it yourself. Just a random picked, nothing to do with the quality or the significant of the images. We can see my little sister with her evergreen father watching the view of Tok Bali's river mouth from the infamous bridge.
It's near 7.00pm, you can realized it from the dark colour of the sky.
A snap that took a blink of an eye, yet couldn't read what's behind my father's mind.
Eldest brother with his own style of posing. Anywhere will do, as long as there is a camera.
It's getting dark, time to go home now... The bridge of Tok Bali, nothing special, just capturing some pictures for fun.
p/s: sorry for the broken English...
hoho~ update la lagik! more pics pleaz~
coming soon.. wakaka
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